Slice of endless thanks.

Dear boy in my first period class,
“This is the best class I’ve ever had.” Really? This?! This is the best class you’ve ever had?! I would like to know why you said this this morning. Today, of all days, when I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make enough copies because not everyone cares about all of my classes. Today, of all days, when my voice was rasp from constant reminders to “simmer down.” Today, of all days, when one eye was glued to the ceiling in search of the wasps that have tormented me for days. Today? Of all days?

Dear boy in my first period class,
You, boy in the front row with the thick glasses. You, boy with the IEP that I can’t possibly understand. You, boy with a soft tone but a perspective to be heard. You, student I’ve known for seven days. You.

Dear boy in my first period class,
Thank you for making my day in ways you will never understand.

2 thoughts on “Slice of endless thanks.

  1. Love how you wrote it. Love what its about. Love how it made your day. Love what that dear little boy did. Precious.

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